WhatsApp Community

This WhatsApp Community has been created for you to connect with other international students and receive updates on ISS, campus, and Tucson events.

Once you’re part of the community, join the groups you’re interested in:

  • ISS Events: Information on events organized by ISS
  • UofA and Tucson Events: Events happening around campus and Tucson: fairs, events, concerts, all the updates you need to know in one single group chat!
  • Ask an International Student: Have a question about campus, classes, events, or life at the University of Arizona? Let us know in this chat and get an answer from one of our Global Ambassadors. For immigration questions, visit ISS for advising.

WhatsApp Community Rules

  • Group chats do not allow racism, sexism, any form of discrimination or micro aggression, sexual misconduct or harassment.
  • Group chats should not be used for sending spam, personal or sensitive information, or sharing personal religious or political beliefs.
  • Group chats do not allow use of foul language or inappropriate images, gifs, links, etc.
  • If we recognize any of the above-mentioned behaviors, we will address the situation and determine if you can continue in the chats. If YOU recognize it, please make the Global Ambassadors aware of the situation.

Join the WhatsApp Community