Study Abroad

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Arizona Abroad Locations

Study at one of our International Locations and:

  • Pay Main Campus UA tuition and use all of your financial aid.
  • Earn credits that count toward your degree.
  • Live and learn alongside local students.
  • Plus, your major might even have an established Global Track at one or more location.
Stephanie Kim
"I was able to study under some really amazing professors, most of which are at the top of their fields and careers. There were a lot of opportunities to go to seminars led by top politicians, diplomats, and alumni."

Sciences Po
Paris, France

Brenden Barness
"My experience at Hospital Clinica Biblica was once in a lifetime. It confirmed what I wanted to do with my career and pushed me to see a different healthcare system."

Arizona in Costa Rica
Ciudad Quesada, Costa Rica

Maddie Hanh
"My study abroad experience allowed me to dive into a beautiful immersion of cultures and languages while exploring a charming city with classmates who became some of my closest friends."

Deaf Studies: Learn Italian Sign Language in Italy!
Siena, Italy

Ivana Martin
"You really had to push yourself and step out of your comfort zone, which really helped me be more confident about speaking another language."

Arizona in Paris
Paris, France

