Key Factors to Consider When Choosing the Right Program:
For all study abroad programs, you must:
- Be at least 18 years of age
- Have completed your first year of college
- Have at least a 2.5 GPA
- Not have registration holds or disciplinary violation sanctions
Some programs have additional eligibility requirements.
See individual program pages for more information.
Each study abroad program offers different courses and credit abroad. Consider your major, minor, general education, and other degree requirements as you think about what courses you want to take abroad. Your study abroad coordinator and your academic advisor can both help your consider your options and find a good fit for your academic goals.
Different programs have different costs, which can be found on each program’s webpage. Your existing financial aid often applies to study abroad, and additional study abroad specific scholarships are available.
Discuss with Family
Consider having a conversation with your family about your goals for studying abroad. Discuss why you want to study abroad and what you hope to gain from the experience. Additionally, talk about the support you’ll need—whether financial or emotional—to make your plans a reality.
Diversity Abroad
Certain elements of your identity may be viewed differently in your study abroad destination. Getting familiar with the norms of your destination and the resources available to you on your program of interest will help you set yourself up for a positive, enriching experience. The Study Abroad Team is here to help students from a variety of identities feel safe and supported as they go abroad. For more information, please visit our Diversity Abroad webpage.
What to Expect in the Application Process
The application portal can be found on your program’s webpage. The table below provides general guidance for when applications become available for each term.
Term | Applications Open |
Summer | Approximately October 1st |
Fall | Approximately December 1st |
Spring | Approximately July 1st |
Each program has its own deadline, which you can find on your program’s online brochure. We recommend starting your application at least 3 weeks before your application is due.
The typical application requires you to do the following:
Get a passport if you don’t have one already
Submit application ($50 application fee due upon submission)
Review Study Abroad policies
Commit to your program once accepted
Select courses and obtain approval from your Academic Advisor
Some programs may require a secondary application to your host institution. In these cases, your Study Abroad Coordinator will help you with this process.

Next Steps
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