Paying for Study Abroad

Your Current Financial Aid & Scholarships

Your regular financial aid and scholarships often apply to study abroad expenses, but there are exceptions. Additionally, your summer aid package is likely to be different from your typical semester aid package.

To see which forms of aid apply to specific program types, use the chart from the Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid. To find your program’s type (exchange, faculty-led, etc.), look at the Costs & Funding tab on the program’s webpage. Please note, QTR cannot be used for study abroad costs.

Types of Aid: Study Abroad Financial Aid & Study Abroad PDF

Study Abroad Specific Scholarships

Beyond your current financial aid and scholarships, you may be eligible for study abroad specific scholarships, including the Gilman Scholarship, depending on your need, merit, identity, the location of your study abroad program, and/or the what you are studying. These scholarships are offered by the U of A Study Abroad Office, other U of A colleges and departments, and external organizations.

Follow the link below to search for specific opportunities and determine your eligibility. Contact us with any questions and for help with your application.

Explore Scholarships