In order to study abroad, you need to meet certain requirements.
- The University of Arizona requires students to have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 when applying to–and when departing for–their program. Specific programs and partner institutions may require a higher GPA, so students should always refer to their program page to review eligibility requirements. Certain students may qualify for GPA exceptions. Reach out to the Study Abroad team to discuss your circumstances and options.
- Students are eligible to study abroad starting the summer after their first year of college.
- Students must be at least 18 years of age.
- Students must maintain full-time enrollment during fall and spring semester programs.
- Students must not have any registration holds preventing their enrollment nor any disciplinary violation sanctions imposed.
Certain student populations may have distinct requirements:
- Non-UA Students: Non-University of Arizona students are welcome to apply to the University of Arizona as non-degree seeking students and, once accepted, can then participate in faculty-led programs. Non-degree seeking students may not participate in exchange programs. International non-degree seeking students must demonstrate English language proficiency as determined by the University of Arizona.
- Graduating Seniors: U.S. undergraduate students can postpone graduation for one full semester or two summer sessions in order to participate in a U of A-sponsored Study Abroad program. Graduating students should work with their Academic Advisor to change their graduation until the completion of the program. Students who graduate before the start of their study abroad program may participate as non-degree seeking students.
- Graduate Students: Some study abroad programs can offer graduate-level courses. Students should first check the program page for the program they are interested in, then work with a study abroad coordinator and their home department to see if this program is a good option for their course of study. In the case of faculty-led programs, students will also need to work with the program’s home department to determine their eligibility.
- International Students: International students are welcome to apply to study abroad programs. Your study abroad application will contain additional information to consider, and you will need to make sure you discuss your intent to study abroad with International Student Services.
- Online and Distance Campus Students: Both short-term and long-term Study abroad programs are open to students studying through AZ Online and Distance Campuses. You do not need to change your campus to the Main Campus in order to study abroad. You should talk to a study abroad coordinator for more details about the application process and talk with your academic advisor about how this experience will impact and benefit your academic plan.
For more information, please see the full Study Abroad Eligibility Requirement policy document.
Some programs may require additional qualifications, which you can find on individual program pages.
Please see highlights from our Billing and Withdrawal policies below. View Full Policy.
University of Arizona Study Abroad will bill program charges to a student’s University of Arizona Bursar’s account in accordance with the Bursar’s Office Dates and Deadlines for the appropriate study abroad term. Charges may appear on a student’s Bursar’s account in any combination of the following categories: TUIT (tuition) and OTHR (other).
Upon electronically committing to participate in a program through their UAbroad application, a student becomes financially liable for their program costs. If a student decides to withdraw from a program, the student’s Bursar’s account will be charged in accordance with the Study Abroad Withdrawal Policy (see below).
- Students pay their accounts according to the University of Arizona Bursar’s Office Payment Options.
- Charges are due and must be paid according to the Bursar’s Office payment deadline in the student’s UAccess account.
- Late fees for past due balances will be assessed to the student’s Bursar’s account following the Bursar’s Office policy on Past Due Accounts.
- Students whose accounts are delinquent will be subject to a past due balance charge, recovery of collection and legal costs, and withholding of university services. See the Bursar’s Office policy on Holds and Collections.
Withdrawal from a Study Abroad Program
To withdraw from a study abroad program, students must notify their study abroad coordinator AND complete and submit the online Study Abroad Withdrawal Form. Withdrawals are only considered official upon receipt of this form.
University of Arizona Study Abroad cannot guarantee that any portion of the fees owed or submitted will be refunded if a student withdraws from a program. The application fee is NON-REFUNDABLE.
If Study Abroad suspends an entire program, Study Abroad will assist the student in finding an alternative program within the same term or subsequent term. If no alternative program is available or the student does not wish to switch programs, Study Abroad will refund the application fee.
Although you will be abroad, you are still a University of Arizona student, and as such, you must abide by the University of Arizona Student Code of Conduct. There can be very real consequences for not abiding by the Student Code of Conduct, even when you are traveling independently. Remember that you are an ambassador and representative of the University of Arizona!
Your new home will have its own unique set of laws. Be aware of what is legally acceptable abroad and remember that all study abroad students are subject to the laws of their host country. In addition to abiding by the University of Arizona Student Code of Conduct, students must also abide by the University of Arizona Code of Academic Integrity. Please remember that the University of Arizona Dean of Students Office can take disciplinary action against students who violate the Code while abroad.
Termination is always a last resort but does occur. On faculty-led programs, the program lead is expected to always contact the University of Arizona Study Abroad team for guidance and support prior to dismissal. If students are displaying problematic or worrisome behavior, Study Abroad will work with leads to seek assistance from the Dean of Students, CAPS and/or in-country mental health resources. Whenever possible, program leads should provide a verbal and written warning to student in the case of egregious behavior prior to dismissal.
Leads are able to immediately send a student home (without prior warning) if he/she poses an immediate danger to him/herself or others and refuses help. If a student displaying worrisome behavior refuses treatment and (s)he poses a danger to him/herself or others and/or it is advised by a mental health professional that the student is not able to continue in the program, the program lead should request the student leave the program. Program leads are expected to assist students with appropriate arrangements to leave the country. If a student is terminated from a program and refuses to leave the country, they must not attend any programmatic activities or associate with other students remaining on the program. If a student refuses to voluntarily leave, Study Abroad will work with program leads, on the ground support and may contact local law enforcement as a last resort for support.
Students on exchange programs and other programs without a faculty lead are subject to their host institution’s rules and termination policies in addition to those imposed by the University of Arizona.