

Dear Alumni:

We are inordinately proud of our study abroad and exchange students, and hope that your time overseas enabled you to grow personally and intellectually, develop new friendships, learn about other cultures, and discover new interests in new places around the world. We also hope that your experience served as the beginning of a life-long global journey and that you continue to pursue the same international interests that motivated you to venture abroad through the University of Arizona.

If you would like to stay in touch, please join us on Facebook where you can connect with fellow study abroad alumni, reconnect with participants from your particular program, post photos, and share your stories and advice with future study abroad students. Or join our WhatsApp Community and Arizona Global Student Ambassador Program to stay connected with other students interested in international education. Finally, our Arizona Abroad Newsletter will entertain you with alumni stories and SASE staff news.

We would love to hear from you! Your contributions serve as an important reminder that around the globe, people are at the heart of education.

Thank you and best wishes,

The SASE Team