Studying abroad offers an opportunity to observe how culture, identity, location, laws, and other factors shape local opinions and perspectives. It also provides a chance to share personal views and identities while gaining new insights into individual perspectives and biases. This cultural exchange can be meaningful for everyone involved, though it may be challenging to navigate unfamiliar social norms.
Here are some resources you may find helpful as you consider how your various identities and affiliations will impact you while abroad.
Why should aapi students study abroad?
AAPI students have many reasons to study abroad. In addition to seeking academic and professional benefits, you may want to connect with your heritage by visiting a country your family has lived in, practicing a language spoken at home in an academic context, or learning a language spoken by older family members. On the other hand, you may want to challenge yourself and travel to a country where you don't speak the language and engage with cultures that are unfamiliar to you. Whatever your reason for going abroad, the Study Abroad Team is here to help you find a good program fit that will support your goals and needs.
Scholarships & Resources
- Project for Learning Abroad, Training, and Outreach (PLATO)
- APIA Scholars
- Asian Pacific Fund
- Korean American Scholarship Fund
AAPI Voices
- Watch this video from a Filipino American student describing his experience in Mexico.
- Watch this video from multiple students talking about their experiences around the world.
- Here's a blog post about an Asian American student's experience in Japan.
- Here's a blog post about an Asian American student's experience in France.
why should black/African American students study abroad?
Black students may have many reasons to study abroad. In addition to academic opportunities, you may want to engage with other Black communities outside of the United States, connect with heritage, explore Black history globally, experience life outside the U.S. way of doing things, and more. Whatever the reason for going abroad, the Study Abroad Team is here to help you find a good program fit that will support your goals and needs.
Scholarships & Resources
black/African American Voices
Why should students with disabilities study abroad?
Students with disabilities can and do participate in study abroad programs around the world! Studying abroad can help you learn more about yourself, gain confidence, and expand your worldview. Plus, you’ll gain new perspective and experience with how the topics of disability and accommodation are treated and addressed in different contexts.
Our office recommends all students research their options and start planning early, and this advice is especially key to students seeking disability accommodations abroad. Accessible features like ramps or parking spaces, Braille, assistive technology, or other curricular accommodations may not typically exist in parts of your host country. As you begin planning to study abroad, work closely with both the Study Abroad team and the Disability Resource Center (DRC). These offices will work with you to arrange reasonable accommodations abroad and assist you with the pre-departure process.
The lens through which disability is viewed varies greatly throughout the world. Views on independence, confidentiality, and respect for individual rights also differ from one country to the next. Be flexible and open to different ways of accommodating your disability. Be aware that there will be changes in the interaction between your disability and the new environment.
- University of Arizona Disability Resource Center
- Mobility International USA
- The U.S. Department of State – Traveling with Disabilities
- Diversity Abroad: Students with Disabilities Abroad
Voices of Students with Disabilities Abroad
- Read these tips from a traveler who uses a wheelchair.
- Read this article from a bisexual student with both mental and physical disabilities in Greece.
- Read this article from a student with hearing loss who studied abroad in Italy.
- Read this story from a student with a mobility disability who studied abroad in Australia.
Why should latino/a/e/x or Hispanic students study abroad?
There are plenty of great reasons you may want to study abroad as a student of Hispanic or Latino/a/e/x background. These may include exploring new academic opportunities, connecting with a country of heritage, visiting a place where the language is familiar, or practicing Spanish or Portuguese in an academic setting. You might seek the challenge of traveling to a country where the local language is unfamiliar. Whatever your reason for going abroad, the Study Abroad Team is here to help you find a good program fit that will support your goals and needs.
Scholarships & Resources
- Check out this article from Go Abroad about other scholarship options offered by organizations outside of the university.
- Project for Learning Abroad, Training, and Outreach (PLATO)
Hispanic Voices
- Check out this YouTube video full of Latino/a/e/x students sharing their experiences.
Why should LGBTQ+ students study abroad?
In addition to offering academic opportunities, studying abroad provides an excellent space for personal growth and self-reflection. Study abroad returnees often say they became more confident and independent after their time abroad. For LGBTQ+ students specifically, studying abroad may give you the opportunity to connect with queer communities in different environments and allow you the space to explore elements of your identity away from your usual context.
Unfortunately, it is important to be aware that the ways in which lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and other gender and sexual orientation identities are perceived and understood differ between various countries and cultures. While LGBTQ+ individuals can be widely accepted in some countries, other countries can be largely intolerant. As in any cross-cultural situation, it pays to observe and be sensitive to local customs while still finding ways to honor your own identity. As you navigate your program search and begin your study abroad journey, remember that the Study Abroad team is here for you and that various resources exist on campus, in the broader community, and at some exchange host universities.
Scholarships & Resources
- The Fund for Education Abroad
- Read our article here on LGBTQ+ students
- International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Intersex Association
- NAFSA: Association of International Educators - Rainbow Special Interest Group
- U.S. Department of State LGB Travel Information
- University of Arizona LGBTQ Affairs
- The New York Times: Safe Trip Planning for LGBTQ Travelers
- Diversity Abroad: Guide for LGBTQIA+ Students Abroad
LGBTQ+ Voices
Why should native American/indigenous students study abroad?
There are several reasons why Native American students should go abroad. In addition to academic reasons, you may want to connect with other indigenous cultures around the world, learn about other countries' perceptions of the United States, share your indigenous background with others around the world, represent your community abroad, and more. Whatever your reason for going abroad, the Study Abroad team is here to help you find a good program fit that will support your goals and needs.
Scholarships & Resources
- Project for Learning Abroad, Training, and Outreach (PLATO) and their article about going abroad as a Native American student.
- All Abroad
- The University of Arizona Native American Student Affairs
- The American Indian College Fund
- Education Forward Arizona - Native American Scholarship Program
Native Voices
Religion often plays an important role in the culture of many countries and can be a great way for you to learn more about the country and its people. It is a good idea to research the religion(s) observed in your host country before you go abroad. Depending on the location, religion may play a larger or smaller role than it does here in the U.S. and may even be involved in the government.
Religious practices and beliefs may be perceived differently abroad than at home. Those accustomed to being part of a religious majority in the United States might find themselves in the minority abroad, while others who are part of a minority in the U.S. may experience being part of a majority in another country. Regardless of religious background, it is essential to research the host country’s level of religious tolerance and norms to make informed decisions about practicing religion while abroad.
Students should always understand local laws, especially in regards to activities that appear as proselytizing and/or preaching. Always demonstrate respect to icons, statues, etc. and by wearing appropriate clothing (for example, many churches and temples forbid shoulders or knees to be exposed). If you are unsure how to dress or act, ask!
Religious Voices
- Read this article from a Black Muslim woman who studied abroad in London
- Read this blog post from a non-Muslim student studying in Morocco during Ramadan
- Read these articles from Christian students discussing practicing their faith in Ireland and Italy
- Read these articles from Jewish students discussing their faith abroad in Poland, Italy, and the middle east.
Why should parents study abroad?
Studying abroad is an enriching opportunity for all students, including those with children. It provides academic advancement, personal growth, and the chance to explore new cultural perspectives on parenting.
Finding the right study abroad program that fits your family’s situation is key as you consider this opportunity. Each study abroad program is a little different. Some are led by faculty leaders, others are a cohort model, and some provide a student a great amount of flexibility and independence. Likewise, some programs are longer or shorter than others. Having a child should by no means deter you from studying abroad; it simply requires you to consider your academic and personal needs as well as those of your child(ren). The Study Abroad team can help identify programs that offer flexibility for bringing children or shorter durations for minimal time away if children remain at home. When exploring options, consider visa requirements for students and dependents, childcare availability in the destination, and housing options specific to the program.
- list of scholarships for single mothers
- Transitions Abroad: Staying safe traveling with children
- University of Arizona Life & Work Connections
Parent Voices
Why should veterans study abroad?
As the number of veteran students within higher education continues to increase, so too does the number of veterans participating in study abroad. When spending time overseas as part of the military, it is often difficult for individuals to remove themselves from being viewed through the military lens by local residents. By studying abroad, veterans can experience life overseas in a different way than they may have while in the military.
Many veterans are able to use their benefits to help fund their study abroad experience. If you are interested in using your VA benefits to assist in payment of a study abroad program, you must plan ahead. Work closely with Study Abroad to find the program that fits the requirements of the VA and your study abroad goals. In most instances the VA will only cover tuition costs and not other study abroad related fees.
- University of Arizona Registrar: Military-Connected Benefits and Certifications
- Veterans Education and Transition Services (VETS)
Veteran Voices