WildcatsAbroad Instagram Takeover

Have amazing photos from your term abroad? Still abroad and interested in sharing your experience on social media?

Study Abroad would like to invite all current and previous #WildcatsAbroad to takeover our Instagram account @UAStudyAbroad.

Why participate? The purpose of this takeover is to showcase you and your experience abroad. Students are encouraged to post photos of their study abroad destination in addition to places they've traveled.

The Rules:

  • Students will be assigned one week during which they takeover the Instagram Account (username and password will be emailed the day before)
  • Students are asked to post pictures and stories once a day (multiple posts are encouraged!) during their week takeover
  • All content must be appropriate! This means no alcohol/drugs, illegal activity, nudity, high risk behavior (sky diving, scuba, zip lining), or inappropriate behavior.
  • Stay true to your style and have fun!