Emergency Resources

Emergency Resources

If you need immediate emergency medical assistance for yourself or someone else, please call local emergency services for support. To find the equivalent of "911" abroad, please refer to this U.S. State Department reference.

Support during Office hours (8am-5pm MST)

University of Arizona Study Abroad front desk  Call: +1 520-626-9211(link is a phone number).

For Emergencies Related to Any of the Following:

  • Victim of a Violent Crime
  • Death of a University of Arizona Traveler
  • Missing Person
  • Unsafe Environment due to threats including (but not limited to): civil or political unrest, natural disaster, disease outbreak, or terrorism.

Call or text the Crisis24 numbers below at any time, identifying yourself as a student on a Study Abroad program or as a University of Arizona faculty or staff member leading students:

For Non-Emergency Incidents

An Incident is considered a non-critical event that can be addressed with minimal university support. Faculty and staff on University of Arizona programs are expected to report all incidents to the University of Arizona International Travel team. 

If seeking medical attention for an incident, use your University of Arizona international health insurance as listed below. Be prepared to provide the following information to the insurance carrier, if possible:

  • Caller's phone number, relationship to traveler
  • Traveler's name, age, and gender
  • Description of incident and traveler(s) condition(s)
  • Name, location, and phone number of hospital, if applicable
  • Name and contact information of treating physician, if applicable