For Emergency Medical Assistance
If you need immediate emergency medical assistance for yourself or someone else, please call local emergency services for support. To find the equivalent to "911" abroad, please refer to this U.S. State Department reference.
For Emergencies Related to Any of the Following Critical Events:
- Victim of a Crime
- Death of a UA Traveler
- Missing Person
- Unsafe Environment due to threats including (but not limited to): civil or political unrest, natural disaster, disease outbreak, or terrorism
Call or text the UA's security provider, Crisis24, at any time, identifying yourself as a University of Arizona faculty, staff, or student in need of assistance:
- Call: +44 1202 937 401
- Text: +44 7766 556 078
*For more information on downloading Crisis24's mobile application:
For Incidents
An incident is considered a non-critical event that does not require a high-level UA response. Should an incident occur, please follow these steps:
STEP #1: Obtain medical assistance, if needed (insurance information below)
Insurance Information for UA Study Abroad Participants:
- Insurance Carrier: GeoBlue
- Phone: +1 610 254 8771
Be prepared to provide the following information to the insurance carrier, if possible:
- Caller's phone number, relationship to traveler
- Traveler's name, age, and gender
- Description of incident and traveler(s) condition(s)
- Name, location, and phone number of hospital, if applicable
- Name and contact information of treating physician, if applicable
Insurance Information for UA Travelers registered in the UA Travel Registry:
- Insurance Carrier: Zurich Travel Assist
- Phone: +1 647-775-9044 (if calling from outside the U.S. or Canada) / 844-593-8860 (if calling from within the U.S. or Canada)
When calling please identify yourself as an insured of Zurich in North America and have the following Information to have on-hand for the call:
Organization: State of Arizona
Policy No: GTU 3032184
STEP #2: Contact (in the following order)
- Arizona International Travel Director, Jill Calderon +1 520 626 4931 /
- UA International Risk Analyst, Federico Guajardo +1 520 621 1755 /
- Arizona International Travel, +1 520 621 1063 /
STEP #3: Report the Incident
- If participating in a UA Study Abroad program or Field Trip: Submit the online Incident Report and confirm report was received by call or email.
- If you are a UA faculty or staff traveling on UA business:
Contact your home department as soon as possible and request that someone:
- Call Risk Management Services at +1-520-621-1790.
- Complete an online Employee Injury Report/Non-Employee Incident Report, if applicable.