Returned Students

Welcome Back!

Now that you are back in the U.S., we hope you will unpack your study abroad experience by getting involved in re-entry initiatives:

  • Share your experience by posting to any or all of the UA Study Abroad social media accounts listed on the side #WildcatsAbroad.
  • Become a part of the WhatsApp Community.
  • Become a Global Ambassador for the University of Arizona.
  • Meet international students who are from the country where you studied. The University of Arizona has many international clubs where you can meet these students.
  • Stay in touch with the UA Alumni Association.
  • Order a Sash for graduation. Represent your study abroad experience as you walk the stage at commencement. Email with questions. Students MUST use their email address.
    • Please note: There will be two shipping deadlines. To receive your sash by March 15, please order by February 24. To receive your sash by May 1, please order by April 11. Shipping can take longer than expected, even if paying for expedited shipping, so we recommend you order your sash as soon as possible to ensure you have it by graduation. Also, please wait to pick up your sash after you receive an email from the study abroad office. Usually, the shipping company sends out an email saying your sash is delivered but we may not have it in our office. Therefore please wait until you receive an email from us saying your sash is ready for pick up.