Younghoon Koh
Graduate Research Assistant, Microcampus Research TeamYounghoon Koh
Graduate Research Assistant, Microcampus Research TeamYoungHoon Koh is a graduate research assistant at Arizona International. Working as a team under the supervision of Dr. John Haupt, YoungHoon is involved with a number of research projects about the University of Arizona microcampus network. Prior to beginning his Ph.D. study in Higher Education at the University of Arizona, he worked as an international coordinator at the Korean Council for University Education, and as a researcher at the Korean Educational Development Institute. YoungHoon feels proud of his international education background since he received an M.A. in Higher Education from University College London in the United Kingdom, and a B.A. in Education from Chung-Ang University in South Korea. He loves being part of the University of Arizona community, especially for its welcoming and supportive atmosphere!