Mariah Nunes

Curriculum Integration Manager

Mariah Nunes

Curriculum Integration Manager

As the Curriculum Integration Manager for Study Abroad programs, Mariah works in collaboration with other offices on campus to ensure courses from study abroad sites are transferable to the University of Arizona and meaningful in helping students satisfy degree requirements. She oversees the Global Tracks project, where departments evaluate curriculum from study abroad programs and map them to their majors so their students know as early as their first day at the University of Arizona that studying abroad is academically accessible to them and encouraged by their faculty and advisors.

Mariah is a graduate of the University of Arizona. She studied abroad in Orvieto, Italy and earned her undergraduate degree in Communication. She also earned a master’s degree from Northern Arizona University in Rhetoric, Writing, and Digital Media Studies.


Global Center

615 N. Park Ave

Tucson, AZ 85721

Room 150