UArizona welcomes United States Ambassador to Kazakhstan Daniel Rosenblum

LTC Peter Caffrey, State Partnership Program Director, Republic of Kazakhstan, Arizona National Guard (L), Dr. Shane Burgess, Vice President for the Division of Agriculture, Life and Veterinary Sciences, and Cooperative Extension, and the Charles-Sander Dean of the College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences, hosted United States Ambassador to Kazakhstan Daniel Rosenblum, Dr. Robert C. Robbins, President, Dr. Ron Marx, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, Dr. Jenny Lee, Vice President for Arizona International and Dean of International Education, LTC (P) William “Dan” Brice, Defense Attache, Ricky Salazar, Director, Strategic Initiatives, Arizona International (R).
To commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the State Partnership Program between Arizona and Kazakhstan, Arizona International hosted United States Ambassador Daniel Rosenblum and a delegation of state representatives to the University of Arizona campus.
The distinguished guests, led by Ambassador Rosenblum, were welcomed by University of Arizona President Robert C. Robbins, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Dr. Ron Marx, Vice President for Arizona International and Dean of International Education Dr. Jenny Lee, Vice President for the Division of Agriculture, Life and Veterinary Sciences, and Cooperative Extension, and the Charles-Sander Dean of the College of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences Dr. Shane Burgess, along with Arizona International Director of Strategic Initiatives Ricky Salazar.
In addition to marking the enduring alliance with Kazakhstan, the officials engaged in discussions about the ongoing collaboration with Kozybayev University. They explored avenues for mutual support and development, highlighting the longstanding partnership with a focus on fostering international education initiatives.

Bakhtiyar Khajimuratuly, Vice Rector, International Programs for University of Arizona (R), Dr. Jenny Lee, Vice President for Arizona International and Dean of International Education, Renata Apergenova, Acting Chairman of the Board, Rector, Dr. John Paul Jones, Special Advisor for Arizona International, Ricky Salazar, Director, Strategic Initiatives, Arizona International (R).
A few weeks prior to Ambassador Rosenblum's visit, the University of Arizona welcomed Renata Apergenova, Acting Chairman of the Board and Rector of Kozybayev University, along with additional delegates from Kozybayev University. The Kozybayev representatives met with multiple UArizona officials and faculty over several days. In addition to strengthening the existing collaboration between the two institutions, the visit was marked by a signing ceremony acknowledging the Kozybayev International Program.
UArizona and Kozybayev have already successfully collaborated on dual degree programs in biotechnology and information science and recently celebrated the initiation of a third dual degree program in inclusive education. Launched in September, the inclusive education dual degree program is designed to equip future educators with skills and techniques to address the needs of students with learning differences. It aligns with national initiatives to enhance inclusivity within the education system.
The dual degree collaborations allow students at Kozybayev University in Petropavl to earn degrees from both the University of Arizona and Kozybayev University. Plans are in motion to expand these dual degree offerings to encompass business, engineering, public health, and agriculture, further solidifying the educational ties between the two institutions.