UArizona Mexico Initiatives Hosts Women in STEM Seminar
Twenty-eight promising undergraduate students majoring in STEM fields at their respective universities in Mexico participated in innovative workshops, lectures, and activities designed to advance the role of women in STEM.

This year, from October 10-14, 2022, twenty-eight students from ten universities in Sonora and Chihuahua experienced five days of lab visits, speakers, activities, and mentorship as part of the annual Women in Stem Seminar, hosted by University of Arizona Mexico Initiatives.
The University of Arizona is deeply committed to bringing more women into the fields of science, technology, engineering and math. One of our missions at UArizona Mexico Initiatives is to amplify the voices of women in STEM fields and to cultivate a strong network of support, research, and opportunities at all levels of higher education. Our annual Women in STEM seminars have grown in the past few years and include students from universities throughout Mexico who are invited to participate from Sonora, Chihuahua, Baja California and Mexico City, and the range of participants grows every year.
Over the course of the seminar, participants learn research and writing strategies, and develop leadership skills that will prepare them for success in their future and in their careers of choice. Participants are empowered through mentorship and valuable training and are presented with a certificate upon completion.
We believe that giving women equal opportunities to learn and thrive in STEM careers enhances women's economic security, narrowing the gender pay gap and preventing biases in the field. These diverse and talented young women are creating the products and services of the future and are solving the challenges that we face.

Mexico Initiatives thanks all of the partners and co-sponsors who participated to make the fall 2022 Women In STEM MX program a complete success!
Hosts for the Fall 2022 seminar included:

- Justin Dutram, AVP, Mexico and Latin America, Arizona International
- Lissette Calderón, Director, Latin American Programs, Arizona International
- Catalina Stern Forgach, Directora, UNAM-Tucson
Co-hosts included:
- MIEF. Yuria Alejandra Leyva Chávez, Directora de Investigación y Desarrollo Humano, Consejo Estatal de Ciencia y Tecnologia (COECYT)
- MBA. Myrna Lizeth Casarez Zazueta, Directora de Planeación Estratégica y Administración, Consejo Estatal de Ciencia y Tecnologia (COECYT)
- Mtra. Barbara Briones Martinez, Jefa Departamento Vinculación (Instituto de Innovacion y Competitividad, Estado de Chihuahua)
- Lic. Gerardo Padilla Aguilar, Supervisor Administrativo (Instituto de Innovacion y Competitividad, Estado de Chihuahua)
- Lic. Kareli Lizeth Miranda Landeros, Servicios Profesionales (Instituto de Innovacion y Competitividad, Estado de Chihuahua)
In addition to hearing presenters of a range of topics, participants attended writing skills improvement workshops, visited many of the related facilities and labs on campus and around Tucson to learn about STEM majors and careers. Participants also formed small groups and prepared STEM-related presentations during the week that they presented on the final day. The agenda for the week included the following:
Space TREx - Lunar and Planetary Lab, with Dr. Jekan Thanga, Aerospace & Mechanical Eng, faculty, and graduate students.
Richard F. Caris Mirror Lab Tour
Bio5 Tour
"From Rural France to NASA: My Unanticipated Journey to Become an Astronomer, with Dr. Virginie Faramaz, Assistant Research Professor, Department of Astronomy and Steward Observatory.
Main Campus Walking Tour
Systems and Industrial Engineering - 3D Lab, with Dr. Hannah Budinoff, Assistant Professor, and faculty.
Cloud & Autonomic Computing Lab Tour - Cyber Talk with Dr. Salim Hariri, Electrical and Computing Engineering, and graduate students.
Women in Science and Engineering (WISE), the STEM experience - empowering students.
Solutions for a Sustainable Future, with Dr. Nadia Álvarez
San Xavier Underground Mining Laboratory, Dr. Kray Luxbacher and MGE faculty.
Tree-Ring Lab Tour, Dr. Pamela Pelletier and faculty.
Pima Air and Space Museum Tour
Environmental Justice presentation with Dr. Mónica Ramírez-Andreotta, Assoc. Professor, Soil, Water and Environmental Science (SWES).
Closing Ceremony and presentation of certificates.