UA Travel Safety Committee Shares Recommendations for International Travel

After the terrorist attacks in France, the UA's International Travel Safety Oversight Committee is reminding employees and students how to enhance safety while traveling abroad, and what supports and resources the University provides.
The committee continues to maintain awareness of global events and is closely monitoring the situation in Paris.
The group provides the following specific recommendations for UA employees and students currently in Europe, and those who plan to travel abroad.
1. The committee urges UA community members who are currently in Europe to remember their fellow travelers, to support one another and to also take appropriate steps to increase your situational awareness.
- If you are in Paris and need support, you may reach the American Citizen Services by contacting the U.S. Embassy in Paris, located at 2 Avenue Gabriel 75008 Paris, at +33-1-43-12-22-22 or via email at at The after-hours emergency number for U.S. citizens is +33-1-43-12-22-22.
- You may also call the U.S. Department of State at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the U.S. and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 from other countries, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays).
2. UA travelers should keep an open line of communication with the UA, providing the University with phone numbers on which they can be reached while in other countries.
- Employees should check in with the University via email or phone if travel plans change, or with questions about safety and security concerns. Employees who are currently abroad and have questions can call 001-520-621-1900 or, for 24/7 International Emergency Support, call or text 001-520-307-9576 or email
- Student travelers should send their telephone numbers, along with their full name, UA NetID or student ID number, to the UA's Study Abroad at Student travelers with questions can call 001-520-626-9211 or the emergency number at 001-520-307-9576.
3. International travelers should remain up to date on recommendations from reliable sources, including the UA and also the U.S. Department of State, other government travel advice and program coordinators abroad. Resources include:
- The U.S. State Department's travel website and the department's Twitter and Facebook pages.
- Worldwide Caution for American travelers abroad, which provides information on the continuing threats of terrorist actions and violence against U.S. citizens and national interests.
- France Country Specific Information
- British Foreign Office Travel Advice
- Australian Smartraveler Travel Advice
- Students specifically are encouraged to download and complete the U.S. Department of State Students Abroad Wallet Travel Card and review the Safety and Security for U.S. Students Traveling Abroad.
4. Log all UA international travel in the UA International Travel Registry and enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program to receive security messages and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
5. International travelers are urged to cooperate with local authorities.
The UA's International Travel Safety Oversight Committee, established by the provost, includes representation from 10 UA offices and serves to assess the health and safety of travel to countries with travel warnings.
The committee encourages members of the campus community to share this information with colleagues and loved ones.
"Please remain aware of your surroundings and respond to anything that does not feel right, especially if you are located in or near major cities," the committee recommends, also noting that "we are here to help you should you need additional services."