Join Study Abroad in Supporting the Renee Griggs Endowed Scholarship

Envision a world where Studying Abroad is an affordable and accessible option for all students. This is the world Renee Griggs, former University of Arizona Study Abroad team member, aimed to build throughout her four decades serving our students. Renee knew that Study Abroad experiences change students’ lives, giving them new perspective on our world and broadening their personal and professional networks.
Study Abroad is honoring the work of Renee Griggs with the Renee Griggs Study Abroad Scholarship Fund, launching April 10th. Through this award, future Study Abroad students can continue to benefit from Renee’s work and devotion. Renee dedicated her career in Study Abroad to opening the doors to international opportunities for students of all backgrounds, working tirelessly to accommodate and encourage students’ needs and goals. Just as Renee spent hours finding and researching scholarships for the students who needed extra financial support to go abroad, her legacy can now provide another avenue of support to our students in need.
Renee put her heart and soul into advocating for all students who expressed an interest in studying abroad. She went above and beyond to locate possible scholarship opportunities, help them to understand their financial aid, and help them to find the most cost-effective programs that would fulfill their goals. Nearest and dearest to Renee's heart are the students who tend to fall through the cracks - those who need a little extra encouragement, those from underprivileged backgrounds, those who fall just short of being eligible for many scholarships. For these students, Renee was a lifeline, and would find the last dollar when it seemed impossible. Often, the students who would most benefit from studying abroad are not always those with the "right" qualifications (GPA, funding, support, and access). For these students, the opportunity to study abroad is a life changer, and can open doors and help them to realize that they can achieve things that were previously unimaginable. These students were the beneficiaries of Renee's tireless efforts.
Join us in making a gift to the Renee Griggs Study Abroad Scholarship fund to support University of Arizona Study Abroad to provide future generations of Wildcats scholarships so that they can explore and learn through study abroad. All gifts up to $1,500 will be generously matched by Renee's daughter, doubling the impact to $3,000!
Honor Renee's legacy by making a gift today and spreading the word about this fund to your network.