Incoming International Student Welcome Ceremony: A warm welcome to the Wildcat family

University of Arizona International staff and U of A leadership welcomed more than 300 new international students to Bear Down Gym for the Incoming International Student Welcome Ceremony. This special event was designed to officially induct new students into the Wildcat family and mark the start of their academic journey at the University of Arizona.
Graduate and undergraduate students from more than 60 countries had the opportunity to meet their peers, establish early connections, and begin building the support networks that will accompany them throughout their time at the university.

Vice President for University of Arizona International and Dean of International Education Dr. Jenny Lee welcomed students to campus.
The event allowed students to connect with students from other countries and meet International Admissions Enrollment Counselors and International Student Services staff. These key members of the U of A team have supported the students throughout the admissions process and will continue to be on hand to provide assistance as they navigate their academic careers.
Vice President for University of Arizona International and Dean of International Education Dr. Jenny Lee welcomed the students to the university and offered valuable advice on how to succeed and thrive during their time at the U of A.
"I encourage you all to embrace every opportunity to fully immerse yourself in the United States," said Dr. Lee. "And remember, your voice matters—share your unique perspectives with your peers and let us all learn from your cultural heritage. Wherever you go, I hope you’re proud to represent your country.”
Interim Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Dr. Ronald Marx emphasized the importance of having international students and expressed his appreciation to the incoming class.
“You make a huge difference in the experience of all students you interact with,” said Dr. Marx. "Your presence enhances our curriculum and elevates the learning experience. We are deeply grateful that you chose to be part of our community."

Arizona International Assistant Dean for International Admissions and Enrollment Dr. Daniel Saud had the opportunity to connect with many students during the event.
Arizona International Assistant Dean for International Admissions and Enrollment Dr. Daniel Saud concluded the speeches with some information about the new international class of students. Students range in age from 16 to 58 and are citizens of 101 countries around the world. They have selected 73 different undergraduate majors and 113 different graduate programs across all 11 colleges. He left the students with some advice.
“As you mark the start of your academic career and commit to doing extraordinary things with extraordinary people, I hope you will lean into all that U of A has to offer,” said Dr. Saud. “Engage within our campus community, pursue leadership opportunities, and become an involved student.”
The event ended with the official incoming class photo, capturing the diverse and dynamic group of students who now call the University of Arizona their home.