Global Partner Day Creates New International Opportunities for UA

The second-annual Global Partner Day was held at the University of Arizona on Friday, May 27, 2016, as a lead up event to the 2016 Annual NAFSA conference and exposition in Denver, Colorado.
Sara Troy, director of program development for CEA Study abroad in the U.S., said it was a great opportunity to learn more about UA, how UA educates its students and explore any opportunities that are available for students and to also continue building a relationship and partnership.
Attendees of Global Partner Day traveled from around the globe to join the UA Office of Global Initiatives faculty in activities around the UA starting with a keynote address from Dr. Bashar Rizk, OCAMS Instrument Scientist from the University of Arizona Lunar and Planetary Laboratory.
Bashar Rizk is an OCAMS Instrument senior staff scientist at Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at the University of Arizona since July 2013. Rizk is also an OCAMS scientist for OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Return Mission, and has worked there for 10 years.
Participants were also treated to a networking breakfast, lunch and dinner, tours of world-class research facilities around campus, social events and partnership meetings.
Mark Charnley, the regional manager of South Asia and North America at Flinders University in Australia, said Global Partner Day was a great place to meet people and learn more about the UA. He also hopes Flinders University can get more of their students study abroad opportunities through this international connection.
On Friday, Global Partner Day participants toured the UA campus and attended four presentations on global partnerships and UA research at the Environment and Natural Resources 2 Building (ENR2) and later toured unique spots on UA campus.
Tours included a look into the Bio 5 Institute located near the UA Medical Center, the Tree Ring Lab, the Mirror Lab located under the Arizona Stadium and a tour of the residence halls located on Highland Avenue.
Charnley also said the experience was a perfect way to find international collaboration opportunities with the UA in developing partnership programs and creating opportunities for recruitment and new initiatives that will benefit both Flinders University and the UA.
Watch the Partner Day 2016 video here: