Arizona International Education Resources

Research, Editorials, and Presentations


Haupt, J.P., Chelabi, I. (Under Review). What matters more? An investigation of factors influencing student satisfaction in transnational higher education. Compare Journal.

Chelabi, I. (Abstract Accepted). University of Arizona Microcampus program: A virtual experience of at home internationalization activity in Global South. Compare Journal.

Ghosh, S., Haupt, J., & Lee, J.J. (December 2021). Understanding the Attraction of the Microcampus: A Quantitative Investigation of Students’ Motivations to Enroll in Transnational Education. Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education

Li, X., Haupt, J., & Lee, J.J. (March 2021). Student mobility choices in transnational education: Impact of macro-, meso- and micro-level factors. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management.

Pilsbury, D., Trifiro, F., Vance, H., & Hobson, P. (March 2021). What next for TNE: Global challenges and technology’s impact. The Pie News.

Li, X., & Haupt, J. (February 2021). Could “distance TNE” become a growth area after COVID-19? University World News.

Vance, H. (2021). U.S. transnational higher education in Cambodia: Soft power and Orientalism in context. [Doctoral dissertation, University of Arizona]. UA Campus Repository.

Pilsbury, D., Lee, J.J., Vance, H., & Trifiro, F. (December 2020). Where the rubber hits the road – and how not to hit a brick wall. The PIE News.

Pilsbury, D., Vance, H., & Trifiro, F. (November 2020). TNE in the age of globalisation: equity, access and soft power. The PIE News.

Pilsbury, D., Vance, H., & Trifiro, F. (October 2020). TNE: If I were going there I wouldn’t start from here | Part 2. The PIE News.

Pilsbury, D., Lee, J.J., Vance, H., & Trifiro, F. (September 2020). All you ever wanted to know about TNE, but were afraid to ask. The PIE News.

Davi, L. (2020). Transnational education student learning and sense of belonging through a flipped classroom model in Southeast Asia. [Doctoral dissertation, University of Arizona]. UA Campus Repository.

White, B., & Lee, J.J. (April 2020). The future of international HE in a post-mobility world. University World News.

Li, X., & Lee, J.J. (2018). Acquisitions or mergers? International students’ satisfaction with work availability. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 55(1), 91-104.

Castiello-Gutiérrez, S. & Ghosh, S. (June 2018). International micro-campus: An evolution to transnational education models. CIHE Perspectives, 11, 13-16.

White, B. (May 2017). Are micro-campuses a new model for international HE? University World News.


Intermountain TESOL Conference, October 2021
Agate, A., Nguyen, T., & Shea, K.: Presenters: Re-designing Success Courses for English Language Learners Across the Globe

British Council Going Global Conference, June 2021
Vance, H.: Panelist: Flexible paths to internationalisation via TNE

International Higher Education Forum, April 2021
Vance, H.: Panelist: TNE 4.0 – the biggest higher education activity around the world?

British Council International Education Virtual Festival, January 2021
Vance, H.: Invited Panelist: TNE and Sustainable Paths for International Education

QS Reimagine Education Conference, December 2020
Vance, H.: Invited Panelist: Transnational Education: The Future of Mass Higher Education

IEAA International Education Association of Australia Annual Transnational Education Forum, 2020
Lee, J.J. Keynote Panelist: Forging a new future for TNE: Where to from COVID-19?

The PIE News Webinar, September 2020
Vance, H., Lee, J. J.: Invited Panelists: TNE Myths and Realities

IEAA International Education Association of Australia Annual Transnational Education Forum, Melbourne, Australia, August 2019
Vance, H.: Invited Speaker: Establishing Transnational Microcampuses across Asia: The University of Arizona story
Vance, H.: Panelist: Branding, Identity, and Marketing in TNE

Japan Educational Research Association (JERA), July 2020
Lee, J.J.: Invited Speaker: Covid-19 and the post-mobility world.

NAFSA Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., May/June 2019
Vance, H.: Poster Presenter: Beyond Dual Degrees and Branch Campuses: Innovative Internationalization Through Micro-campuses
Hessenflow, R.: Poster Presenter: Supporting Global Learners at an International Microcampus: University of Arizona, Phnom Penh (Cambodia)

Universities UK International Forum, April 2020
Lee, J.J.: Invited Panelist: Managing Risk - Assessing Hidden Risks in Transnational Education Operations.

College Board India Global Alliance Forum, New Delhi, India, October 2019
Lee, J.J. Invited Panelist: Connecting India to the World.

APAIE Asia-Pacific Association for International Education Annual Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, March 2019
White, B., & Vance, H.: Co-Presenters: US Transnational Microcampuses across Asia: Research and Contextualization

Times Higher Education Emerging Economies Summit, Doha, Qatar, January 2019
Lee, J.J.: Invited Panelist: Are Universities a Catalyst or Consequence of Emerging Markets?

NAFSA Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, May/June 2018
White, B., Vance, H., & Ghosh, S.: Co-Presenters: Micro-Campuses: A New Model for Internationalization

APAIE Asia-Pacific Association for International Education Annual Conference, Singapore, March 2018
White, B., Vance, H., & Ghosh, S.: Co-Presenters: Micro-Campuses: A New Model for Transnational Education

WES-CIHE Summer Institute, Boston, MA, June 2018
Castiello-Gutiérrez, S. & Ghosh, S. International micro-campus: An evolution to transnational education models

62nd CIES Annual Meeting, Mexico, March 2018
Castiello-Gutiérrez, S.; Ghosh, S. & Lee, J.J. International micro-campus: An evolution to transnational education models